- Apa jua amalan atau perlakuan orang Islam dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perayaan orang bukan Islam sekiranya melibatkan akidah atau iktikad seperti mengiktiraf agama bukan Islam atau menganggap semua agama adalah sama, maka ia ditegah oleh Islam.
- Walaubagaimanapun sekiranya amalan atau perlakuan tersebut hanya atas dasar kemasyarakatan atau hubungan sosial antara Islam dan bukan Islam untuk tujuan perpaduan, maka ia dibenarkan oleh Islam.
- Memberi ucapan tahniah dan selamat atau mengirimkan ucapan melalui kad atau alat-alat telekomunikasi seperti e-mail atau sistem pesanan ringkas (sms) dan sebagainya kepada orang bukan Islam sempena dengan perayaan agama mereka adalah harus, dengan syarat ucapan itu tidak mengiktiraf, memuji atau memuliakan agama bukan Islam serta tidak menggunakan sebarang simbol atau lambang keagamaan mereka dalam kiriman ucapan tersebut.
- Keputusan (English):
The Ruling On Muslim Wishing and Greeting On Non Muslim Religious Festival
The 78th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia held on 12th June 2007 has discussed on the ruling on Muslims wishing and greeting on non Muslim religious festivals. The Committee has decided that:
1. Any Muslim practice or behaviour with respect to non-Muslim festivals and celebrations that involve the questions of aqida or conviction such as acknowledging other religion or believing that all religions are same, are prohibited in Islam
2. However, if the stated practice or behaviour is done on the basis of societal or social relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims for the purpose of harmony is permitted in Islam
3. To give congratulatory and good wishers or to send greetings using cards or telecommunication devices such as e-mails, short messaging system (sms) or etc to non Muslims during their religious festivals is permissible, on the condition that the greetings do not recognise, praise, glorify the religion of non-Muslims and also do not use any of their religious symbols in the greetings sent.